Frequently asked questions

What's on your mind?

We compiled a list of questions that customers frequently ask when planning a snowmobile trip. We hope these will help you when considering your own snowmobile safari or rental.

If you can’t find the answer to your query here, please contact us and we’ll answer it.

What to wear for a snowmobile safari

Yes! You will get safari outgear such as overalls, wind proof mittens, woolen socks, balaclava, snowboots and of course helmet for your adventure. All this including the safari price. Make sure you still have enough clothing underneath! All the winter clothing is also included in the rental prices.

Take a look at our video below for getting dressed up for a safari!

General questions

If you can’t find a safari to fit your schedule, contact us! We always open new additional trips as needed and possible.

We can do it! All our safaris can be tailored to your wishes. Contact us and we will build your own snowmobile safari with accompanying activities.

Renting a snowmobile

Yes; Driver must be at least 18 years old and hold a valid driver’s license applicable in Finland.

Self-liability waiver is only available for our safaris and not for rentals.

The rental does not include fuel. The sledge is rented and returned with a full tank. If the tank is low, we charge the price according to the price list.

Snowmobile safaris

You can buy a self-liability waiver at the time of your online booking or at our office before the safari. Waiver is only available for safaris, not for rentals. Note that you need one waiver per driver.

For safety reasons child must be at least 130 cm tall to be able to reach the footboards and crab the handles. If child is over 130 cm (4 ft/ 3.18 in) tall and will be sitting behind a driver as a passenger, you must buy him/her an adults ticket. 

Santa Claus programmes

Yes, both our Santa Visits (with snowmobiles or car transfer) includes short reindeer ride.

We send you detailed instructions about two weeks before your Santa visit. In this email we will tell you how to pass on a letter and small gift before hands.

Unfortunately our Santa programmes are operated only from the beginning of December to first week of January. In case the situation changes, we’ll post it to our social media channels. Remember to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for any updates!

Don’t worry! If you are not keen on combining snowmobiling and Santa Visit, you can book our Christmas Safari with car transfer. Dates and times are limited, but feel free to contact us if you wish to have an extra day in our calender!